Eagle’s Nest 2/16/23

Posted February 16, 2023


Dear families, 

At Eagleton, our students are hard at work learning and growing!  Students who attend regularly have greater learning opportunities, have better relationships with others and are part of our community as a whole.  We know that students who miss even a few days of school each month are at far greater risk of academic failure than students who attend regularly. 

Our goal is that 95% of students attend school each day. Because attendance is so important, please send your child to school every day unless he or she has a contagious illness or is running a fever. 

We will be monitoring each student’s attendance across the remainder of the year so we can work with families when the number of absences puts a student at risk. We will be happy to work with you to help your child attend regularly and have greater opportunities for success. 

“Invest in your future, come to school!”


I would like to send a shout out to the Garcia-Gutierrez family. They practice the Power of 3 with their son Leonardo at home and teach him how to take care of himself and take care of others in class and out. They are very supportive and help out as much as possible in the Kindergarten class! The Garcia-Gutierrez family is always willing to go the extra mile for our amazing kindergartners. (Submitted by Ms. Bustamente) 


There is no supervision outside before 9:05am.  Please do not drop your child off before 9:05am.  If a student is playing outside, unsupervised, accidents may happen.  Please help us keep everyone safe by arriving at 9:05am. 


Feb. 16th – Eagleton Family Engagement Night

No School – Feb. 17th 

No School – Feb. 20th and 21st 

Parent Teacher Conferences – March 1st and 2nd 

No School – March 3rd