Gifted and Talented Programming

Together, the diverse Eagleton community respects, nurtures and inspires a passion for creative thinking and lifelong learning while building a strong academic foundation.  Eagleton students receive a strong, standards-based education in reading, writing, mathematics, social studies and science. We work to make sure our students have the necessary knowledge and skills to become successful readers and writers.  At Eagleton, our primary focus is to build capacity and develop students’ efficacy in order to move students from the talent pool to formal identification. Our talent development pool students receive Gifted and Talented (GT)  services without formal identification.  Eagleton believes that a GT program must have a broad representation of students from different ethnic backgrounds with support in Social/Emotional Learning. In order to help our GT and talent pool students, our GT teacher supports classroom teachers with instructional, social/emotional, academic strategies, and programming.  We provide families with support and opportunities to help their child grow.