Eagle’s Nest 03/16/23

Posted March 16, 2023


Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Eagleton! 

Facilities Update:

On a different note, at Eagleton we are aware that our concrete steps in the ECE playground are in need of repair.  Our Facilities Manager, Janalle Martinez, has submitted a work ticket with D.P.S. in order to get that repaired.  We are hopeful that work will start during the summer break in order to fix that staircase.  Please let us know if you have any questions. 


I want to give a shout out to the family of Marisol (3rd grade) and Santiago Cruz-Cruz (ECE) because they have taught their kids the importance of working hard in school and being leaders in the classroom. They are such a caring, positive family and bring so much joy to our community. Thank you for teaching your kids to be kind and always do their best!  (Submitted by Mr. Andrews and Ms. Rowe)

Quiero agradecer a la familia de Marisol (3er grado) y Santiago Cruz-Cruz (ECE) porque les han enseñado a sus hijos la importancia de trabajar duro en la escuela y ser líderes en el salón de clases. Son una familia tan cariñosa y positiva y traen tanta alegría a nuestra comunidad. ¡Gracias por enseñar a sus hijos a ser amables y siempre hacer su mejor esfuerzo! 


Attendance is very important.  Please review this information below. 

Summer Connections Registration is now open:

Registration is now open for Summer Connections — a fun, five-week program that exposes students to content from their upcoming grade. All rising first- through fifth-grade DPS students are encouraged to apply!

Summer Connections:

  • Is no cost to families.
  • Provides full-day programming from June 12-July 14. (No school on June 19 and July 4.)
  • Centers around literacy, math, science and hands-on learning.

Click here for more information and visit the Parent Portal to register. If you have any questions, email EAL@dpsk12.net.


Wear GREEN – March 17th

No School – March 24th

No School – Spring Break March 27th to 31st 

No School – April 3rd